Ahh. The 5K.18 months ago I did my first, the New Paltz Turkey Trot. I weighed 197 lbs. Every time my foot hit the ground, the floor didnt shake, but my fat definitely jiggled. I could feel the flab-momentum (flab-mentum?) in my joints.
One of the trainers at my gym (and a triathlete herself) swore to me that it would get better. I remember laying in bed one morning in March this year poking at my legs and thinking that my bones felt stronger. In 6 month, I've worked 20 lbs of ass off and I don't feel cartilage banging together when I run any more.
I've done 2 additional 5Ks since, the Turkey Trot again and the Orange County Chopper 5K. I had a personal best on the OCC race: 32 min. Quick! Alert the media! (That's more irony, folks.)
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm not fast. For many people 10 min/mile would be appalling. But I've come a long way. Running is the easiest thing to train since it doesnt involve much equipment other than a pair of shoes. I run when I have to shoehorn in a workout with other commitments. Sneakers, Door, Go.
And this morning …. this pissy, rainy, gray, glorious morning....I have already swam half a mile, and biked 12 including a hill that would make you weep. All we have left is a little run in this 3rd Act? BRING IT!
aaaand somebody steps in my sister's way just as she snaps the picture. You can see my yellow shirt.
There is no two ways about it. Running right after biking stinks on ice. My legs dont want to go high enough for a proper step, so each effort only gets me about half the distance a normal stride would go. I'm running in goo. The route is beautifully marked with cones into the woods. I'm glad I did so much running on the gravel paths at my MILs house. This footing could be tricky, but I've got experience on my side. The path goes down to a second beach and then past a playground onto the roads. My mind wanders to Child and coming back next year. I passed signs for hiking trails that look interesting. My sister is an avid hiker. I wish the weather was nicer and we could go for a walk after the Race is done.
Maybe delirium is starting in.
The hills are no more challenging than the ones on my regular run. It just feels like it goes on forever. I finally pass the one mile marker with a huge sense of disbelief. Maybe I got on the Olympic course by mistake? But no, the sign says “Sprint 1” I have to own it. I gave myself permission to walk up the hills. Flats & downs, get moving feet! Lots of people coming in the opposite direction, but when I look forward and backwards, I'm on my own.
When I first started running 6 months ago, Jillian Michaels would scream in my head “Get Moving!” Now, its my own voice I hear. Idily my mine turns over ideas as my feet keep going. Hey, wait, I can see the turn around from here! Kindly volunteers offer water or Heed, but I'm too excited. I'm Mimi, doing her aria in the 5th act – although why I want to be a dying woman I'm not really sure. Maybe because the end is in sight. Just as I am about to finish, another Sprint competitor is coming towards me! I'M NOT LAST!! We fist bump as we go past.
There is honor in being last. You were working harder than anyone else for longer than anyone else.
“What do you call the last guy in the class at Medical School? Doctor.”
I fishhook around to go to the finish line. Another Sprinter who finished earlier sees me coming. There's no kick left in my caboose; she paces me to keep me going the last 100 yards into the finish line. My sister takes my picture. A volunteer hands me a finishers medal. I know I wasn't first. I know I wasnt last. My goal was to finish. And I did.
Note: There are only 2 dry spots on my entire body, one on each side of my hip. The rest of me is *soaked*.
I'm exhausted. Exhilarated. I feel the same way I did when I finished my first 5K. I did the best job I could on the training I did. I went as hard and fast as I could without throwing up or passing out. We toddle over to the race fair to see if I can find out my results. They are printing them out every 10 minutes or so, but I'm not on that collection of sheets. I would have to wait for the next round. I eat half a banana with peanut butter. I try some Chocolate Powder Nutrition drink that the caterer has. I drink some water.
As my core temperature goes down, I start to realize how completely soaked I am. We try to say hello to Ironman in his booth, but he's having computer problems and is being pulled this way by his boss and that way by someone on the phone that needs something. My sister wants to buy me a shirt that says “Run Like A Mother” - but I dont really need it. I need a reflective vest for biking at night and she's already been REALLY generous with her time: she found the B&B, put it on her credit card, stood around in the rain for hours.
No, its time to pack up and go. We head back to the B&B, I take my sister on the first crazy hill from the bike run and she started giggling nervously. “I would have given up.” We pass one lone rider from the Olympic race coming back with two police motorcycles on her tail. Her face is grim, but she's holding on and going as fast as her legs can. I know the feeling. She's not racing. She's enduring.
We shower. I stretch and called DH to let him know I survived. I use hot water to thaw my now thoroughly chilled insides. We return the keys to the B&B and seek out food. A local diner obliges and I eat a pork souvlaki with such vigor, my sister is afraid I'm going to loose a finger. Then we're on the scenic route to Vermont for my Uncle's 65th birthday party. We stopped in Troy and walk from the bookstore to the bakery for some party treats. It's the longest mile I have ever walked. Hey, my sister needs her exercise too. The fat doesn't melt itself.
I decided to leave my tattoos on as long as possible. 1) it will amuse Child – he's 5, we're veteran temporary tattoo artists. I spend a big chunk of the party talking Triathlon with people: evangelizing. 2) If I take them off, it means the experience is over. I dont want to look at the pictures for the same reason. I finally force myself to take them off the camera.
Finally I checked the race results and got the surprise of my life.
Athena 39 & Under - 1st place.
What??!? Slow duckling, first timer made a first place???! Well how about that!
Here are my times:
Swim- 20:11
T1- 4:44
Bike – 1:19:03
T2 – 1:08
Run – 39:06
Total 2:24:12
Dont get too excited, I was 94th overall out of 102. First place made it in 1:10:14. But when I checked with Ironman when I returned the wetsuit he said my First Place still counts! Geeze, I wish I had known. Apparently, I should have gotten some kind of award at the event. Who'da thunk it tho?
Of course, who would have thunk I would do a Triathlon. Just goes to show YOU.
Epilogue: Some thoughts on training, improvements, next steps and new gear.